Why leaving?

Since the beginning of our marriage (2005! :-)) we have this dream of going abroad to share our skills, without having a specific country in mind. We have traveled a lot, with a year’s experience in Burkina Faso, which has reinforced our desire to leave for a longer time in a foreign country.

Since then, we have always been fascinated by the discovery of new horizons and different worldviews, with a sensitivity for the poorest people. Social justice is particularly important to us, and being able to engage in this way is a great source of motivation. We dream of being able to serve abroad with this perspective knowing well that we are only two grains of sand on a beach which extends as far as the eye can see. Yet every grain of sand is important and forms the beach.

In 2017, we began the journey of preparing to live abroad. Aline is an HR specialist with experience as an HR manager in an international organization and for my part, I have a master’s degree in technical orthopedics with a great experience in prosthetics for amputees in Geneva. Our search criteria was to have a pioneering project in a rural area with little access to orthopedics, and Myanmar gently acme to our minds.

We have discovered a nation that is opening up, with the possibility for foreigners to be able to invest in it. We found a country with a significant need in technical orthopedics. Myanmar, with more than 50 million inhabitants and an area that is two-and-a-half times larger than Germany, has about 7 centers throughout the country. In comparison, Switzerland, with 8 million inhabitants, has about 100 companies in the field of technical orthopedics. The 2016 statistics we were able to consult give a high percentage (2.6% to 4.6%) of people with a physical disability. In addition, Myanmar is also one of the countries most affected by anti-personnel mines.

Therefore, the idea of ​​setting up a “social business” of orthopedic workshop and training in this field has emerged. The goal is to be able to combine entrepreneurship with an ethical and social action that positively influences society.

We went on a prospecting trip in March 2017 to find out if we imagined living in this country and getting involved in a project. During this trip, we were touched by the reception of the Burmese people, their desire to open themselves to the outside world and the possibilities offered by Myanmar which has a strong economic potential.

We felt at ease in the country, and this confirmed our choice despite the cultural and language challenges we will encounter.

We decided to start and let go of our Swiss life to meet people with a different background. We look forward to working with the Burmese on a partnership that is mutually enriching and allows us to grow in the values ​​we hold dear.

mmmanagerWhy leaving?