Leaving soon!

Boxes, house renovations, paperwork are currently our daily bread before leaving for … England. Yes, we will first spend a few months in the United Kingdom before the big jump in Myanmar. The first step will be with a language school for David to improve his fluency in English. Indeed, in Myanmar, we will have another language school, with English-Burmese courses. Therefore, we better be proficient in the language of Shakespeare!

Aline, for her part, is proficient in English and will assist a teacher in a classroom in order to be prepared to teach in Myanmar where she will be hired at a school in Rangoon to teach English classes. This is how we should obtain a business visa. Thank you, Aline!

We leave Switzerland on August 26th to cross the Channel for a period of 3 months. We will then return to Switzerland for a week before flying to Yangon.

So on the menu:

  • 3 months of English classes in Christchurch from August 27th to November 17th
  • return for 1 week in Switzerland in November
  • departure for Myanmar on November 26th
mmmanagerLeaving soon!