First steps in Yangon

The November post is a little delayed because the end of November was rather intense. We got back from England and finished the last preparations for our departure such as vaccinations and packing. Packing was challenging because we filled our luggage to the maximum of 30 kg per person, not because we love a challenge, but because this was the luggage allowance we got and extra kg are really expensive.

Then there was Aline’s sister’s wedding which was beautiful and full of emotions.

Garden in the B&B our first week

And now, here we are, with two and half weeks of December already gone and Christmas approaching really fast. Hard to realise it is going to be Christmas with the heat and the tropical vegetation. The only things that remind us are the carols in the big supermarkets and the Santa clothes some of the employees of big shops wear.

Christmas decorations in front of a big supermarket

On another note, we have been pleasantly surprised by people’s honesty. The first time was when 3 days after buying something in a hardware shop, one of the shopkeepers reimbursed David with the change he forgot to give before. The second was when a taxi driver, after having asked for a specific amount to the place we wanted to go asked us less when we got there because he realised the trip was shorter than he thought. 

In the category of trying public transportation, we took the bus, a big adventure when you see the state of the vehicle and sometimes the number of people already inside. But the system works pretty well, and some buses even have a/c. Once inside we looked in the front and had to smile, our driver was driving the bus barefoot 😉

Finally, about our exchanges with people, it is quite difficult as we do not know enough words yet, and English is not always an option. But fortunately, smiling is international and we can convey a lot with it!

mmmanagerFirst steps in Yangon